It's been quite some time since I've written here, but it certainly doesn't mean I haven't written somewhere. Simply writing at home and not logging on to write my thoughts. Then there are other times I think of things I want to write about, put it on a list of things I should write about and then the list just keeps growing. Then, I think to myself... no one is reading this blog anyway, so what's the point? lol.
In any event, I have so many things I want to accomplish this year between being a better mom, wife, sister, friend, daughter, grand-daughter, niece, cousin and listener, I'm also now adding to the list blogger, business women, photographer, writer, business owner and entrepreneur.
Yes. It's a long long list. And yes, there are many things on that list for 2011, but I'm certain it can all be done. I just need to keep myself accountable.
So, step one... here's it is... prioritize myself by making more lists. That sounds counter productive doesn't it? But really, it's where I need to start. I've come to realize I simply cannot get anything done if I don't have my crazy to-do lists. One list will have my prioritized categories....what needs to be done first. Then the next list would be a list for each category of what needs to be done for that category. I know, I know... it just sounds crazy.
In any event, I've begun the process already and I think once I have all my lists complete, I'll feel better. I'll feel less crazy, less torn, less stretched and become more focused, relieved, and healthy. And ultimately, I'll sleep better.
And with everything I've written about, I've found that it's important to separate all my writing too, so I'm separating my blogging topics.
Here, I'll continue to have my thoughts of self... about me in general. I have my other blog for anything baby related. And then, I have my photography blog. Of course, there may be some overlap here and there, but for the most part.
That's a lot of blogs!? Yes. It is. But, it's necessary and part of the plan to refocus myself - inner and outer. And I think overall, it's better for me as a blogger and as a business person. Allowing myself to ensure each of my blogs are focused on the proper things and not just out there in one big jumbled mess. I'm thinking it's best to have them separate. I guess we'll find out.
Lastly, I decided to delete my old blogs related to baby and keep them only on my baby blog.
2010 was a blessing on the personal level. 2011 will be a continued blessing, but will also be productive and help me not just personally, but professionally too.